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Dormac steps into 3D metal printing
20 Feb 2017 InssTek
Machine Supplier Dormac CNC Solutions expands its product range with Additive Manufacturing technology. Dormac will represent South Korean 3D metal printer manufacturer InssTek, Inc. in the Netherlands. InssTek, Inc. builds on metal products in 3D, on the basis of Direct Metal Tooling (DMT). It can be applied to standard metal powders with a high power laser beam from a Ytterbium fiber laser source, both on an existing workpiece (cladding), and new workpieces are built up completely (3D metal printing). Thus the DMT technology can be used for manufacturing, remodeling and repair. The ability to assemble a workpiece from different types of materials or alloys is a distinctive feature of the DMT-technology. InssTek, Inc. uses standard steel, copper, titanium, nickel and cobalt metal powders. The constructional design of the 3D-metal printers of InssTek, Inc. is similar to that of upper milling machines, wherein the laser head can make 3 or 5-axis movements. The working envelope of InssTek, Inc.'s 3D metal printer ranges from 200 × 200 × 200 mm to 4,000 × 1,000 × 1,000 mm. Rework and repair Dormac director Kees Karsten sees the addition of Additive Manufacturing technology as a quality addition to the milling technology, which delivers Dormac. “The DMT technology InssTek, Inc. new opportunities for both the market and our company. Malle Builders this instance, applying an additional layer hardened in a mold and then to one hundredth accurate finishing on a machining center. Also worn or damaged propellers and blades can with DMT technology repaired renewed instead of whole.” Karsten mentions as an example. Investing in knowledge and experience Dormac will invest the coming years strongly in knowledge and experience to optimally support the market with DMT technology. “For this we are working closely with the German and Swiss Doosan dealers, who will represent the 3D metal printers InssTek, Inc. in their region. In addition, we are supported by metallurgists of a German University. Soon Dormac has its own 3D metal printer Insstek, Inc. also in the house.” says Karsten.
InssTek and Z3DLAB to offer advanced materials for aerospace
22 Jul 2016 InssTek
South Korea’s InssTek and France’s Z3DLAB have announced their intention to offer ZTi-Powder® and ZTi-Med® materials on InssTek product lines aimed at the repair of used parts in the aeronautic sector and the medical orthopaedic implant markets. InssTek is a specialist in Direct Metal Tooling (DMT) technology which has been successfully used to repair parts of the F-15K fighter jets belonging to the South Korean Air Force. Z3DLAB develops and supplies Additive Manufacturing materials for advanced engineering applications. The company’s flagship ZTi-Powder is an enhanced TA6V powder, developed for additive powder bed Laser Selective Melting (SLM) and being up to 50% harder and more resistant. It is claimed that Z3DLAB’s ZTi-Powder and DMT technology from InssTek will provide a more advanced repair compared to regular TA6V, increasing the life of the repaired parts by up to 30%. InssTek metal surface coatings applied to orthopaedic implants allow a three-dimensional interconnected array of pores throughout the coating thickness, which in turn helps to promote bone tissue ingrowth and provide long-term stability of the implant. The traditional processes used to apply these coatings including sintering and plasma spraying. The introduction of direct metal tooling (DMT) AM technology however, provides a number of significant benefits in terms of the strength and porosity characteristics of the finished product. Z3DLAB early this year announced ZTi-Med®, a non-toxic and low young modulus Advanced Material for medical applications. This new material composed of Ti and Ceramic fusion can be applied as a coating on orthopaedic implants and provide non-toxic coating. The ZTi-Med will be available by 2020.
InssTek to ship world’s largest metal DED Additive Manufacturing
5 Dec 2016 InssTek
South Korea’s InssTek has signed a US$2.3 million contract to ship one of its MX-Grande metal Additive Manufacturing system to a customer in Russia. With a working envelope of 4000 x 1000 x 1000 mm, the six-axis MX-Grande is said to be the largest Directed Energy Deposition (DED) type system in the world. The company also announced it has won a bid to supply a German university with an MX-450 system in a $1.2 million deal. InssTek produce a number of metal AM systems ranging from a compact desktop model to its flagship MX-Grande model incorporating a 5 kW Ytterbium fibre laser. The company was founded in 2001 and has developed its own patented Direct Metal Tooling (DMT) technology, classified as Directed Energy Deposition in the ASTM standard. The technology can be applied in electronics, automotive, medical, aerospace and defence industries.
InssTek wins orders to provide metal 3D printers to Europe
25 Nov 2016 InssTek
InssTek, Inc. has elbowed out its larger global rivals in winning orders to export their metal 3D printers to European countries. InssTek signed two separate contracts to provide giant metal 3D printers for precision lamination to Germany and Russia. The company signed a USD 2.3 million contract to provide the world’s largest metal 3D printer in a Russian University and a USD 1.2 million deal to export MX-450 for alloy development to a German university. The official said InssTek had a close bidding race with Franch metal 3D printer BeAM in Russia and US metal 3D printer Optomec in Germany.